ArmoryBook | Gun Tracking and Firearms Collecting Software

The Complete Solution for Gun Enthusiasts. Track Guns, Maintenance, Ammo and Range Information

Track purchases, sales, serial numbers, images, maintenance and more.
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Track purchase prices, quantity on-hand and reviews. Get reorder alerts.
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Keep track of location, date, distance and ammo. Even store your range photos.
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New Features

Notifications in Maintenance Screen

A Notification button has been added to the maintenance screen to provide quick and easy access to any notifications. Only notifications for the currently selected gun will be displayed, the button will not be displayed if there are no notifications.

Maintenance Screen Buttons

Clicking on the notifications button will display a popup of the associated notifications. The popup can be seen in the image below. Clicking on the notification button again, or clicking the in the title bar, will close the popup.

Maintenance Screen Notification Popup

Each notification will have a header indicating the type of notification, at the far right of the header line is an that can be used to mark the notification as seen\handled. When marking a notification as seen\handled the confirm dialog will be displayed. If the notification issue is not resolved within the configured dely (Maint Intvl Days Hold After Dismissal, default 30 days), a new notification will be added. The body of the notification will contain additional notification information and a link that can be used to resolve the notification. If the LINK is used to navigate, and changes are made that resolve the notification issue, the system will automatically remove the notification. The last line of the notification will display the date the notification was created by the system.

When dismissing a notification, the header will display the notification message and two options, Remove and Disable.

Selecting Remove will cause the notification to be removed and paused (30 days by default). If the reason for the notification is not resolved within the pause period, another notification WILL BE ADDED by the sytem.

Selecting Disable will cause the notification to be removed and NO FURTHER system notifications, of ANY TYPE, to be generated for the current firearm. Notifications can be turned back on manually using the Allow Notifications field in the gun screen.

Mark Notification Seen

The ability to add a User Notification has been added to the maintenance screen. Each User Notification is associated with a gun in the system. New notifications can be added from the Maintenance Screen using the button.

Add User Gun Notification

The subject, date and message can be defined for the new notification. Links to any Contact or system Gun can be added to the message using the standard @contact or @gun ArmoryBook Mentions

Add New Notification

When creating the notification it can be dated from the current date to any date in the future. Notifications can be used to setup reminders for a date in the future for the currently selected gun.

Future Notification

Once a new notification has been entered it will appear the same as any System Notification on the Gun screen. The notifications can be changed and deleted using the standard notification edit and delete icons circled in the image below.

Maintenance Screen Notifications

The new notification will also be displayed in the System Menu Notification list. Below both a User and Future notification is displayed. Note that User notifications are highlighted in a light blue and Future user notifications are a light purple color. These colors are used to easily distinguish the User notifications and Future notifications from the System notifications.

Main Menu Notification List

User notifications can be deleted using the . The User Notification delete screen has been simplified to only include a Remove and Cancel option.

Delete User Notification

The User Notification Filter in the Main Menu Notification search bar will display ALL user notification, both current and future.

User Notification Filter

The Future Notification filter will ONLY display user FUTURE notifications. Both filter options allow for quick and easy identification of the various new user notifications.

Future User Notification Filter

Gun Information Report Summary Line

A new summary line has been added to the Gun Information and Gun Info by Tags reports. The two longest lines of information in these two report are Accessories and Tags. To make it easier to view on the screen and in print, a single full length summary line will be displayed at the bottom of the report.

Gun Information Reports Menu Items

To configure the contents of the summary line, access the System Settings menu. In the Reports section the Gun Information Child Line has three options:

  • Accessories
  • Gun Tags
  • Tags/Accessories

Below a sample of each option is shown.

Gun Information Child Line Selection

The system will default to showing the Accessories option. A | will separate each item in the list to increase readability.

Gun Information Report with Accessory Child Line

The Tags option will display all selected tags for each gun, each tag is separated by a |.

Gun Information Report with Tags Child Line

The final option, Tags/Accessories will display both Tag and Accessories information in the summary row. If tags and accessories are extensively used this is the preferred option. Each type will ONLY be displayed if information is found.

Gun Information Report with Tags/Accessory Child Line

Gun Round Count Tracking

An Initial Round Count (IRC) field has been added to the Gun screen. If you were tracking rounds fired for your guns using a spreadsheet before moving to ArmoryBook, this new field will allow you to carry over that count. The IRC will be integrated into all system reports displaying round count information.

Gun Initial Round Count

ArmoryBook now Tracks Accessories

The new accessory system can be accessed from the new main menu option Accessories which is directly next to the Guns menu option.

New Accessories Menu

The Accessories menu follows the same layout as the Guns menu (refer to image below), making it simpler to identify the available options. Overall the accessory system functions exactly like the gun system, the only difference is that accessories can be associated with a gun.

Accessoris Menu Options

  • List: The list option provides a simple way to locate accessories. Simple "reports" or quires can be performed using the sorting abilities of this screen. Clicking the column headers will sort the list by that column. Clicking the header a second time will change the sort order from ascending to descending. The stacked lines in the header indicate how a column is sorted. If the lines are going from larger to smaller , then it is being sorted in descending order, going from smaller lines to larger lines indicates ascending order. To sort on multiple columns hold the Shift key. Reverting to the original sorting options can be done by clicking the button in the upper right of the screen.

  • Add: Add allows directly adding a new accessory item into the system. When using this option an entry into Purchases will automatically be created. Below is a full description of the accessories screen and its contents.

  • Recently Accessed: By default the system will display a list of the last 5 accessories that have been accessed. This can be changed using the system setting Recently Accessed Accessories to Track option that can be accessed from the System Settings option under the main menu option.

  • Purchases: This is the recommended way to enter a new accessory into ArmoryBook since at the time of purchase you may not have all the information that the Accessory Screen tracks. Entering the information here will allow the system to include the accessory on the main screen in the Open System Orders section providing an easy way to access tracking information. Once a purchase Status is marked completed and the Order Received date is set, it will be automatically added into the Accessories system. Below is a full description of the purchases screen and its contents.

Accessories Menu Options

Accessory List Screen The accessory list screen provides a quick way to review and analyze all accessories that have been entered into the system. Refer to the List option above for a description on how accessories can be sorted. The various list screen buttons are explained below.

  • Button: Add new accessories
  • Button: Print the new Accessories Information Report
  • Button: Click the Edit button or click on the text in the Description column to edit an accessory
  • Button: Delete an accessory
  • Button: Reverts all setting to their original values
  • Search: Once there are a lot of accessories entered into the system the search box can be used to filter the accessories that will be displayed

Accessory Listing

The Accessory Screen is where all tracked information will be etered. The Accessory Screen follows the layout and function of the existing Gun Screen, so it will be easy and familiar to use.

When entering information the Types, Brands and Models can be added directly from the Accessory and Accessory Purchase screens utilizing the icon next to the corresponding fields. This is the recommended method. If you would like to enter your accessory information ahead of time, like during initial system setup, the Types, Brands and Models options in system settings () under the Accessory section can be used.

Accessory Maintenance Menu Options

A general overview of the accessory screen information will be covered next.

Accessory Screen

Basic Accessory Information Tracked

Accessory Type Accessory Brand Accessory Model
Nickname Serial Number Estimated Value
Safe Location Notes
Allow Notification

Keeping an accurate inventory of your accessories, containing serial numbers and images, are important. In the unfortunate case of having to file an insurance claim this information will be invaluable.

The Allow Notification option will be utilized in the future for a notification system to update the accessories value at a specificed interval. The default setting is to allow notifications.

Acquisition Information

Purchase Source Date Status
Order Number Tracking Number Order Received
Quantity Cost Shipping
Accessory Description Notes  

Recording how much was paid for an accessory allows for calculating value changes (difference between estimated value and purchase value) and can be used when selling an accessory in the future to ensure it is not being under priced.

Accessory Images

Images can be stored for purposes of documentation for insurance as well as establishing the condition of the accessory for future reference. Taking a picture of the original purchase receipt is a good idea to document and establish value.

Image viewing in ArmoryBook is done using a very powerful image viewer, here are the basic features.

  • and Buttons: Upper left corner of the image allow for easy zooming
  • Button: Returns the image back to the original size
  • Button: Switch the image viewer to full screen mode, clicking on the button again, or using the ESC key, will return back to normal viewing mode
  • Button: Start a slide show of all the images

The right side of the image viewer contains thumbnail images that can be used for quick navigation to the desired image with a simple click. Using the button in the upper left of the thumbnails panel will hide the thumbnail images, allowing the main image to utilize the complete viewer.


The ability to add notes to accessory images, set a default image (used in the Accessories Report) and delete an image is provided using the right click menu.

Image Menu

Accessory Sale Information allows for tracking sale date, amount, source and notes relevant to an accessory sale. Hopefully this information will only be needed if you are trying to track down a accessory that you sold and just absolutely have to have it back.

Sale Information

Date Amount
Method Sale Contact

The Accessory Information Report can be accessed from the Accessory List screen using the button or through the Reports main menu item Accessory Information.

Accessory Information Report

Below is the list of information that is included in the Accessory Information Report. Items highlighted in blue will be visible by default. The Asso Guns field on the Accessory Information Report will be hidden by default and can be enabled using the Column Visibility menu. The associated guns field will contain a comma separated list of associated guns for each accessory.

Accessory Information Report Fields

The Purchase menu option will display the Accessory Purchase Information listing screen. This screen provides a quick way to review and analyze all accessory purchases that have been entered into the system. Refer to the List option above for a description on how purchases can be sorted.

  • Button: Add a new accessory purchase
  • Button: Print the Accessory Purchases Report
  • Button: Click the Edit button or click on the text in the Source column to edit an accessory purchase
  • Button: Delete an accessory purchase
  • Button: Reverts all settings to their original values
  • Search: Once there are a lot of purchases entered into the system the search box can be used to filter the purchases that will be displayed

Accessory Purchase Listing

The Accessory Purchase Screen is where all tracked information will be entered. The Accessory Purchase Screen follows the layout and function of the existing Gun Purchase Screen, so it will be easy and familiar to use. Each section of the screen will be described below in detail.

When entering information the Types, Brands and Models can be added directly from the Accessory Purchase screen utilizing the icon next to the corresponding fields. This is the recommended method. If you would like to enter your accessory information ahead of time, like during initial system setup, the Types, Brands and Models options in system settings () under the Accessory section can be used.

Accessory Maintenance Menu Options

Refer to the Acquisition Information description from the Accessory Screen above for a complete description of the form fields. (Both sections contains the same information)

Accessory Purchase Screen

Purchase Information    

Purchase Date Status
Order Number Tracking Number Order Received
Quantity Cost Shipping
Accessory Description    
Type Brand Model

The Accessory Purchase Report can be accessed from the Accessory Purchase List screen using the button or through the Reports menu item Accessory Purchase Information.

Accessory Purchase Report

Below is the list of information that is included in the Accessory Purchase Report. Items highlighted in blue will be visible by default.

Accessory Information Report

There is a new Accessory Purchase Data Analyzer report. This report contains similar information to the Gun Purchase Data Analyzer report and functions like all the other analyzer system reports.

Accessory Purchase Data Analyzer

Gun Information Screen

Accessories can be associated with guns using the new Assessories field in the Gun Information screen. Once an accessory is selected a "chip" will be displayed with the accessory description. These chips provide a quick and easy way to see any assigned accessories. Accessories can be removed using the X or by unselecting the accessory in the list.

Gun Information Accessories

Gun Information Accessories

To add an Accessory "on the fly" simply click the , the following screen will be displayed that will allow a new accessory to be entered.

Gun Information Accessories

Right clicking on any of the selected accessories will display a menu, that when clicked, will open the Accessory Edit Screen in a new window. This allows for quick access to selected accessory information.

Accessories Menu

An Accessories field has been added to the Gun Information Report. The Accessories filed will be hidden by default and can be enabled using the Column Visibility menu. The accessories field will contain a comma seperated list of each guns' assigned accessories.

Gun Information Report Fields

Inventory Reorder Listing Caliber Summary

The Inventory Reorder Listing has a new summary line that will total On Hand counts when the Grouped by Caliber option is enabled. This report, with totals, can be printed with the new button at the top right of the report. This report is great of keeping track of your ammo inventory.

Inventory Reorder Listing

If the Inventory Reorder Listing report is not being displayed on your main page it can be enabled by going to the Settings menu option and selecting the first option in the list System Settings, in the Home Page section simply palce a check in the Display Iventory List option.

Demo Information

All demo content or images are the copyright of ArmoryBook, or their respective rights holders, and cannot be used without prior permission.

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