ArmoryBook | Gun Tracking and Firearms Collecting Software

The Complete Solution for Gun Enthusiasts. Track Guns, Maintenance, Ammo and Range Information

Track purchases, sales, serial numbers, images, maintenance and more.
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Track purchase prices, quantity on-hand and reviews. Get reorder alerts.
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Keep track of location, date, distance and ammo. Even store your range photos.
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New Features

Ammo Caliber Usage Chart

A new report that graphs the usage of all calibers over time, Ammo Usage Over Time has been added. The report can be accessed from the system report menu at the end of the Graphs section.

Ammo Usage Over Time Menu Option

Each caliber will have a line in the chart with a total of the number of rounds shot for each year. Clicking on the caliber in the legend (at the top of the graph) will toggle the caliber line in the chart, making it easier to analyse a specific caliber. This new report can be used to see trends in the ammo that you are using. This information can help in making decisions about reloading component purchases or ammo inventory stocking.

Ammo Usage Over Time Chart

Range Information Screen Updates

The Range Information screen has several changes that are designed to provide access to more information (Maintenance History) and quicker\easier access (pop-outs , pop-outs are not available on mobile devices) when making notes on a range trip. Below you can see the three information panels on the Range Information screen.

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When entering range notes it is often useful to review maintenance notes, the new Maintenance History panel provides direct access to this information. By default, the panel will be closed but can be quickly opened by clicking on the Maintenance History text in the header. A count of the number of notes has been added to the end of the header text in parentheses. This new panel will provide a quick reference to all maintenance notes and images.

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On the far right of the header is a button that can be used to include or exclude images in the notes. Removing images can make reading the notes easier.

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The Range History panel has been modified to work like the new Maintenance History panel by adding a count of range notes and a pop-out link to the existing panel.

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Images can be removed from the Range History to increase readability and to make loading of the information quicker.

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Below is a sample layout with both the Maintenance History and Range History panel pop-outs being used.

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Caliber Grouping System

A Caliber Grouping System has been added to ArmoryBook.

To make the explanation below easier to follow, an explanation on how caliber assignment is currently utilized in ArmoryBook is required. Currently each gun is assigned a caliber, this caliber is used to limit the Ammo Shot list in the Range Information screen. Only ammo of the assigned caliber is listed. This is done to make the list shorter and more manageable. A side effect is that guns that can shoot multiple calibers do not have access to any calibers other then what was originally assigned.

The new Caliber Grouping System allows multiple ammo calibers to be included as available ammo when entering range information. For example, allowing .223 and 5.56 ammo to be listed for a gun an AR group can be created. All calibers added to a caliber group will be available for any gun with a caliber in that group. The system comes with NO pre-configured caliber groups. Caliber groups are configured from the Caliber Groups option under the main menu gear icon.

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To add a caliber group simple hit the icon and enter a descriptive name for your new group, next place a check next to all caliber that you want associated with this group. Keep in mind that YOU are determining the caliber groups and are responsible for selecting the proper ammo for each gun.

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Looking at the image below you can see that both .223 and 5.56 ammo is available in the Ammo Shot options.

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Range Screen Ammo Shot Layout

The ability to change the way ammo information is displayed in the Range screen has been added. Depending on how the system is being used, each user may wish to have different information displayed to make ammo identification/selection easier. There are 4 different options to choose from:

Example Information
9mm (SGAmmo - 2020-08-20) # 100 Caliber, Source, Purchase Date, Rnds Avail
9mm - Hornady (SGAmmo - 2020-08-20) # 100 Caliber, Brand, Source, Purchase Date, Rnds Avail
9mm (Hornady - Brass) # 100 Caliber, Brand, Type, Rnds Avail
9mm (Hornady - Brass, 2020-08-20) # 100 Caliber, Brand, Type, Purchase Date, Rnds Avail

The original ammo layout is option 1, Caliber, Source, Purchase Date and Rounds Available. The new system default will be Caliber, Brand, Source, Purchase Date, and Rounds Available. The Ammo Shot Layout setting is configured from the System Settings option under the main gear menu icon.

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Inventory Item Information List

The Inventory Item Information screen (Main Menu -> Ammo Inventory option) list has be changed to display more information. A new Type column has been added to help identify different ammo purchases. The new column is highlighted in the image below.

A change to the Brand column was made to allow more information to be displayed on the screen. The description will be limited to 12 characters, the full brand description will be available as a tooltip by holding the cursor over the brand description ellipsis.

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Demo Information

All demo content or images are the copyright of ArmoryBook, or their respective rights holders, and cannot be used without prior permission.

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