The Range Information screen has several changes that are designed to provide access to more information (Maintenance History) and quicker\easier access (pop-outs , pop-outs are not available on mobile devices) when making notes on a range trip. Below you can see the three information panels on the Range Information screen.

When entering range notes it is often useful to review maintenance notes, the new Maintenance History panel provides direct access to this information. By default, the panel will be closed but can be quickly opened by clicking on the Maintenance History text in the header. A count of the number of notes has been added to the end of the header text in parentheses. This new panel will provide a quick reference to all maintenance notes and images.

On the far right of the header is a button that can be used to include or exclude images in the notes. Removing images can make reading the notes easier.

The Range History panel has been modified to work like the new Maintenance History panel by adding a count of range notes and a pop-out link to the existing panel.

Images can be removed from the Range History to increase readability and to make loading of the information quicker.

Below is a sample layout with both the Maintenance History and Range History panel pop-outs being used.