A new option has been added to the Gun, Range and Maintenance screens that will display the associated images in an external window. In the images below you will notice the icon is displayed in the header of the images section of each screen. This icon will only be displayed if there are associated images, notice that there is no icon in the second image.
Clicking on the icon will open a new window displaying all the associated images in a thumbnail layout.
These thumbnails provide a quick overview of all the images, clicking on an image will display the full size image with a set of tools in the upper right corner of the screen.
First in the tools is the magnifying glass which is used for zooming in on the image. Next is the slide show button, this will cycle thorough all the images with a short delay between images. Use the next tool to expand the image to take the whole screen for maximum viewing. Downloading of the raw image can be done with the next tool, the image can be used for emails or documents. The final button is used to display a thumbnail gallery on the right side of the screen, allowing quick selection of any of the images. The currently selected image will be highlighted in red as in the image below.
This new feature is very useful when entering range trips or maintenance sessions. Simply click on the icon and pin the images to one side of the screen and the range or maintenance screen to the other. Below is an example of how this can be used.