ArmoryBook | Gun Tracking and Firearms Collecting Software

The Complete Solution for Gun Enthusiasts. Track Guns, Maintenance, Ammo and Range Information

Track purchases, sales, serial numbers, images, maintenance and more.
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Track purchase prices, quantity on-hand and reviews. Get reorder alerts.
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Keep track of location, date, distance and ammo. Even store your range photos.
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New Features

Image Pop Out

A new option has been added to the Gun, Range and Maintenance screens that will display the associated images in an external window. In the images below you will notice the icon is displayed in the header of the images section of each screen. This icon will only be displayed if there are associated images, notice that there is no icon in the second image.

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Clicking on the icon will open a new window displaying all the associated images in a thumbnail layout.

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These thumbnails provide a quick overview of all the images, clicking on an image will display the full size image with a set of tools in the upper right corner of the screen.

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First in the tools is the magnifying glass which is used for zooming in on the image. Next is the slide show button, this will cycle thorough all the images with a short delay between images. Use the next tool to expand the image to take the whole screen for maximum viewing. Downloading of the raw image can be done with the next tool, the image can be used for emails or documents. The final button is used to display a thumbnail gallery on the right side of the screen, allowing quick selection of any of the images. The currently selected image will be highlighted in red as in the image below.

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This new feature is very useful when entering range trips or maintenance sessions. Simply click on the icon and pin the images to one side of the screen and the range or maintenance screen to the other. Below is an example of how this can be used.

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Report New Fields: Value Change and Value Change %

Two new fields, Value Chg and Value Chg % have been added to the Gun Information and Gun Info by Tags reports.

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By default both fields will not be visible. To add the fields to the current report use the Column Visibility button. Using these two new fields a nice report showing purchase amount, estimated value, change in value and the percent of value change can all be shown.

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Editor Templates

A new Template option has been added to the ArmoryBook editors. Templates allow quick and consistent entering of notes, as well as ensure that no information is forgotten. Two key places that templates can be utilized to increase consistent are Range and Maintenance information.  Access the templates with the temple button in the upper left of the toolbar.

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Clicking on the template button will display a list of available templates along with a description. Simply select the desired template. Pay close attention to the checkbox at the bottom of the list, if this is checked, the contents of the current note will be OVER WRITTEN with the contents of the template. If you simply want to ADD the template contents to the current notes, remove the check mark and the temple contents will be inserted at the current cursor position.

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Below are the current 7 system templates and a short description.

Template Description

Gun Information Template Gun information block with gun value
Gun Value Table Gun value information based on quality
Image and Title One main image with a title and text that surround the image
Maintenance Information Basic maintenance information
Range Information Basic range trip information
Text and Table A title with some text and a table
Two Columns Two columns, each one with a title, and some text
Home Screen Customization

The ArmoryBook Home Screen is now configurable! You are in control of what information is displayed, making it easy to customize ArmoryBook to your needs. The Home Screen configuration can be accessed from the main System Settings option.

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Two information panels and four charts can be enabled/disabled.

Information panels Charts

Maintenance Aging Ammo Caliber Inventory
Ammo Inventory List Caliber Breakdown
  Collection Value
  Country Breakdown
  Guns Assigned Tags

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The Maintenance Aging Panel(new) is great to monitory total rounds fired, rounds fired since last maintenance, last maintenance type and time since last maintenance in words. This is a great tool for staying on top of gun maintenance and not waiting for the system to post a notification.

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Below you can see three of the new charts: Caliber Breakdown, Collection Value and Country Breakdown. Clicking on a slice/bar of the chart will display a report or listing of the related guns.

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User Defined Notifications

The ability to add a User Notification has been added to ArmoryBook. Each User Notification is associated with a gun in the system. New notifications can be added from the Gun Screen using the button highlighted below.

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The subject, date and message can be defined for the new notification. Links to any Contact or system Gun can be added to the message using the standard @contact or @gun ArmoryBook Mentions

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When creating the notification it can be dated from the current date to any date in the future. Notifications can be used to setup reminders for a date in the future for any gun in the system.

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Once a new notification has been entered it will appear the same as any System Notification on the Gun screen. The notifications can be changed and deleted using the standard notification edit and delete icons circled in the image below.

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The new notification will also be displayed in the System Menu Notification list. Below both a User and Future notification is displayed. Note that User notifications are highlighted in a light blue and Future user notifications are a light purple color. These colors are used to easily distinguish the User notifications and Future notifications from the System notifications.

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User notifications can be deleted using the . The User Notification delete screen has been simplified to only include a Remove and Cancel option.

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A User Notification Filter has been added to the Main Menu Notification search bar. The User Notification filter will display ALL user notification, buth current and future.

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The Future Notification filter will ONLY display user FUTRUE notifications. Both filter options allow for quick and easy identification of the various new user notifications.

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Demo Information

All demo content or images are the copyright of ArmoryBook, or their respective rights holders, and cannot be used without prior permission.

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