ArmoryBook | Gun Tracking and Firearms Collecting Software

The Complete Solution for Gun Enthusiasts. Track Guns, Maintenance, Ammo and Range Information

Track purchases, sales, serial numbers, images, maintenance and more.
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Track purchase prices, quantity on-hand and reviews. Get reorder alerts.
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Keep track of location, date, distance and ammo. Even store your range photos.
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New Features

Edit Alert Notifications

Alert notifications can now be edited. Notice that there is no edit icon (pencil) on the Maintenance notification.

Alert Notification Edit Button

Clicking on the edit icon (pencil) will display the edit screen below allowing the message and subject to be updated\changed.

Alert Edit

Notification Filtering

Quick filter icons have been added in the Notifications title bar. The first icon (Exclimation), is for Alert notifications. The 2nd icon (wrench), is for Maintenance notifications.

Notification Quick Filters

Clicking on the Alert notification filter icon will automatically enter the word Alert into the search box, highlight the word Alert in any notifications and hide notifications of any other type.

Alert Filter

Clicking on the Maintenance notification filter icon will automatically enter the word Maintenance into the search box, highlight the word Maintenance in any notifications and hide notifications of any other type.

Maintenance Filter

Clicking on the Filter icon (funnel) will display the standard filter search field.

Search Filter

Alert Notifications

New Notification type, Alert. Previously, only Maintenance notifications were available in AmoryBook. A new notification type has been added, Alert. Alert notifications will be displayed with a light red background color.

Alert Notification

Gun Notification Control

A new option has been added to the gun screen, Allow Notifications. When AromyBook is automatically adding notifications any guns that do NOT have this checked, will be ignored, and a notification will NOT be added. By default every gun add will have Allow Notifications set (checked).

Allow Notifications for Gun

Allow Notifications can be set manually from the Gun screen or can be set when dismissing a system Notification using the X in the top left corner of a notification.

Dismiss Notfication

When dismissing a notification, the header will display the notification message and two options, Remove and Disable.

Selecting Remove will cause the notification to be removed and paused (30 days by default). If the reason for the notification is not resolved within the pause period, another notification WILL BE ADDED by the sytem.

Selecting Disable will cause the notification to be removed and NO FURTHER system notifications, of ANY TYPE, to be generated for the current firearm. Notifications can be turn back on manually using the Allow Notifications field in the gun screen.

Dismiss Notification Options

Gun Access from Notification

Direct gun access from Notifications. Once the Notification indicator bell in the main menu, has been clicked the notification screen will be displayed.

Notification Listing

A new icon has been added to all notifications that are related to a gun. The icon will appear in the lower right of the notification with the same icon that appers in the Guns menu. This will allow quick and direct access to the gun related to the notification.

Notification Direct Gun Link

Notice in the next image that the icon is NOT present. If the gun that is associated with the notification is currently open, the icon will not be displayed.

No Notification Gun Link

Demo Information

All demo content or images are the copyright of ArmoryBook, or their respective rights holders, and cannot be used without prior permission.

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