ArmoryBook | Gun Tracking and Firearms Collecting Software

The Complete Solution for Gun Enthusiasts. Track Guns, Maintenance, Ammo and Range Information

Track purchases, sales, serial numbers, images, maintenance and more.
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Track purchase prices, quantity on-hand and reviews. Get reorder alerts.
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Keep track of location, date, distance and ammo. Even store your range photos.
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New Features

ArmoryBook Phrase Highlighting System

ArmoryBook has had a phrase highlighting system for quite some time that is used to highlight key portions of a note when it is displayed, NOT when it is being entered. Highlighting allows for quick visual identification of the key parts when scanning the whole document. This update has added 4 additional key phrase options:

  • POA - Point Of Aim
  • POI - Point Of Impact
  • FTE - Failure To Eject
  • FTF - Failure To Feed

Below is a list of all the phrases built into ArmoryBook, followed by an explanation of the format for the phrase and examples. The format of the rules can be very complex, this is done so that matching is not strict (only allowing one way of entering a phrase) and will be more user-friendly. If you are having a hard time deciphering the rules look at the example text below the rule.

Explanation of phrase format notation:
  • [] - Holds a group of characters or letters, often used with the ? symbol. [] can be nested inside of another [] to form complex groups.
  • | - Indicates an OR condition, meaning either what is on the left or the right of the | can be used
  • ? - What precedes the ? is NOT required, so in the following example [front|rear]? you could have front, rear or NOTHING
  • Any letters directly in the format string are required to match the rule

AB Note Highlighting System

Ammo Purchase Inventory Changes

A new copy button has been added to the Ammo Purchase screen. If you are fully utilizing the ArmoryBook inventory system this button can be used to save a lot of typing. For instance, if your order contains multiple caliber line items, this button can be used to duplicate the "original" order and create individual orders for each caliber, thus allow ArmoryBook to track each caliber purchase/inventory properly. Another great use of this new button is for repeat purchases, like 9mm "plinking" ammo. Simply highlight the previous order, copy it and change the relevant dates and amounts. The copy button is highlighted in the image below.

Duplicate Ammo Purchase

Deleting Purchase Order

When purchase orders are now deleted the system will delete automatically created inventory items that have not already been used (items associated to range trips). Previously, a manual delete of associated inventory items would be required before attempting to delete the purchase order. This new feature makes deleting of ammo purchases a lot quicker and easier.

In the image below a new ammo purchase order has just been entered. If the Add to Inventory option was clicked you would have to exit this screen, got to the Inventory screen, locate the newly created inventory item and delete it BEFORE you would be allowed to delete the ammo purchase oder.

New Ammo Purchase

A reminder has been added to the delete confirmation screen to indicate that any associated inventory will be removed.

Delete Ammp Purchase

Deleting Range Trip

When range trips are deleted any ammo used will be automatically returned to inventory, previously this would have to be done manually.

Range Information Ammo Column

A new column has been added to the Range Information list, Ammo. The new ammo column is highlighted in the image below. The ammo caliber, brand and case type used on for each range trip will be displayed.

Due to the amount of space needed for the new column, a few column names have been changed:

  • Distance => DST
  • Rounds Fired # => Rnds

Range Ammo Used

The new ammo column will allow both searching and sorting. When a string is entered in the search box (upper right corner), the system will look for that string in all columns, including the Ammo column. In the image below searching for PPU has limited the listing to only records that contain the string PPU. The sorting option can be used by clicking in the header of a column. To display all range trips that have used a particular ammo, simpy click in the Ammo column header and all range trips with that ammo will be displayed together. Sorting on multiple columns is permitted (like in all parts of ArmoryBook) by holding the shift key and clicking on multiple column headers. This can be used to group all range trips that have used a particular ammo when determining ammo performance across firearms or when looking for performance issues.

Range Ammo Sort/Search

Quick Access to Full Screen Images

A new feature has been added that allows quick access to all images in full screen format. This feature can be accessed by clicking on the gun default image in the header at the top of the screen. This feature is available in the Gun, Maintenance and Range screens.

As a quick review, a default image can be assigned to a firearm from the Gun Images section of the gun screen. Simply right-click on the image that you want to be the default image and select the Set as Default Image option as show in the image below. The form Save button must be clicked to save the new image assignment.

Set Gun Default Image

Once the default image is assigned it will be displayed in the header of the form, as seen in the image below, to access this new feature simply click on the image.

Gun Header Image

The screen will change into a full screen image viewer with a navigation panel on the right and a large display of the currently selected image on the left.

Images Full Screen

In the upper left of the screen is a maximize icon that can be used to toggle out of full screen view. Refer to image below.

Images Panel

ArmoryBook has always allowed coping and pasting of email text. Changes to the way the "reply" portion of an email is displayed now makes it a lot more readable. This new feature will allow pasting email conversations directly into any note. In the text below you can see gray lines that group the information of each message.

Email Notes with Reply Information

Accessory Duplication

The ability to duplicate an existing accessory has been added to the Accessory List screen. Duplicating an accessory is great when adding magazines or multiple items from the same purchase.

Select the List option under the Main System menus Accessories option.

Main Menu Accessory List

The listing of accessories now has an additional column. The column is highlighted and pointed too in the image below. Find the item that you want to duplicate and click the green copy button.

Accessory List

If a purchase record is found, for the record being copied, the following screen will be displayed so that the new accessory can be added to the existing purchase or a new purchase order can be created. Below are two example of how to appropriately use each option.

  • Select Use Existing if the existing purchase order is for 4 items and you are now creating the other 3 accessories.
  • Select Create New if the original purchase order was created just for 1 item (even if 4 where purchased).

Accessory Fields 1

Note All fields are duplicated except Nickname and Serial #.

Accessory Fields 2

Demo Information

All demo content or images are the copyright of ArmoryBook, or their respective rights holders, and cannot be used without prior permission.

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