ArmoryBook | Gun Tracking and Firearms Collecting Software

The Complete Solution for Gun Enthusiasts. Track Guns, Maintenance, Ammo and Range Information

Track purchases, sales, serial numbers, images, maintenance and more.
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Track purchase prices, quantity on-hand and reviews. Get reorder alerts.
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Keep track of location, date, distance and ammo. Even store your range photos.
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New Features

Gun List Right Click Menu Options

A new right click menu has been added to the gun list screen. The menu will provide quick and easy access to multiple sections of the system directly from the gun list screen.

Feature Description

Gun Gun screen
Images Display/Add images (Allow full screen display)
Range List of range trips for selected gun
Maintenance List of maintenance for selected gun
Email Send email related to selected gun
Auto Linked Information   Popup of all linked Knowledge Base information
All Notes Popup of Acquisition, Gun, Maintenance and Range information (including images)
Print All Notes Printable report of Acquisition, Gun, Maintenance and Range information (including images)

Below is an image of the right click menu.

Gun Right Click Menu

To get to the gun list screen, select the List option on the main menu's Guns option.

Gun List Menu

When the list of guns are displayed simply right click on a gun to access all menu options.

Gun List Right Click

Access to the standard right click menu is availible by holding the ALT key and right clicking on a gun.

System Right Click Menu

Gun Finish Field has bee added

A new Finish field has been added to the gun screen.

Gun Basic Information

The finish field is located above the Safe and Location fields. Notice that the Initial Round Count and Allow Notification fields have been moved from above the Gun Stat Summary section as well. Refer to the image below.

Gun Finish Field Location

The values available in the finish field are user definable. A default list of values are included. To modify the finish values, click on the setting menu option () and select the Finishes option.

Finish Maintenance Menu

The following screen will be displayed allowing the selection of a gun finish for editing and deleting.

Gun Finish List Screen

To delete a record, use the () button on the right side of the list. A confirmation dialog will be displayed, select Delete to delete this entry.

Finish Delete Confirmation Message

If the finished has been assigned to a gun, it can not be deleted. The system will display the following message to indicate the issue.

Finish in Use

To Add a new finish select the (). To edit an existing record, click on the value in the Description column or use the edit button ().

Gun Finish List Screen

The edit and add screen are the same and is displayed below.

Gun Finish Add/Edit

Document Management System

After a lot of user requests for a way to store documents, ArmoryBook is introducing a new Document Management System (DMS). The new DMS allows storing documents of various types (as well as images, but there are more options when images are stored as actual image for the gun). Below are a few of the most common files.

  • Documents: Word, Excel, PDF, TXT
  • Video: MP3
  • Images: JPG,

The documents are listed on the Gun screen in its own section, Gun Files. Gun Files will be directly below the existing Gun Images section. The header of the files section will display a document count (in parentheses) as well as a chevron (on the far right) that will allow opening and closing the section. The documents are displayed in a grid and like all the grids in the ArmoryBook system sorting can be done by click on the column header.

Gun Files Section

Adding files to the system is done by using the Add Files button at the bottom left of the files section.

Adding File to System

When Add Files is clicked, a window will be displayed allowing files to be uploaded by dragging and dropping a file into the window. Multiple files can be uploaded at the same time. The thumbnail images have three buttons in the lower right that allow uploading a file individually (), deleting the file () and zooming the contents of the file (). All files can be uploaded at once by using the Upload button in the lower right of the screen.

Select Import File

When uploading files, there is a limit on the maximum file size allowed. Free accounts have a maximum size of .5 MB (500KB). Subscribed user can upload files up to 1 MB. Allowing users to upload files can cause a massive increase in the amount of disk space used on the ArmoryBook servers, so as time goes on, these file size limits may change.

File Update Size Limit

Once a file is uploaded, a green Done button will be displayed under the file/s. Once all files have been uploaded simply click the X in the upper right corner of the window.

File Uploaded

Once a file is uploaded, it will be displayed at the bottom of the file list. Below you can see a newly uploaded file highlighted in red.

New File Upload Entry

Once a file is uploaded, you can Edit, View and Delete the file using the right click option.

Edit File Right Click Options

All options available in the right click menu have corresponding buttons that can also be used at the end of each row. Editing can be done by clicking on the Edit button.

Edit Note

Viewing can be done by clicking on the View button.

View File

Deleting can be done by clicking on the Delete button.

Delete File

Using the Edit option will display a box that will allow editing/removing an associated note. Since there is a limited amount of note space in the grid, the note should not be excessive in length.

Add/Edit File Note

When viewing a document, the system will automatically open the document in the browser if the browser is configured to display documents of that type. Not all documents can be displayed in the browser, in this situation the file will be downloaded to the browser's download folder. Below is an image of a PDF document automatically being displayed.

Viewing PDF File

Before the system will delete a file, a confirmation dialog will be displayed to prevent inadvertent deletion of a file.

Delete Confirmation

There are many more features planned for the new DMS system, so stay tuned.

"All Notes" Information Screen Images are Clickable

Images in the All Notes popup information screen are now clickable. The image below highlights the gun screens All Notes button with a red circle.

Gun All Notes Button

Any of the images displayed (gun, maintenance or range) can now be clicked on to "zoom" the image. In the image below, the last image in the first row is clicked.

All Notes Screen

Notice that the image is enlarged and moved to the forefront over the All Notes popup screen information. This screen will provide access to all images found in the popup. Navigation is done using the or arrows located in the middle of the left and right side panels.

Notice that additional tools are also provided in the upper right corner of the screen.

All Notes Expanded Image

Here is an explanation of the addition tools, highlighted in red below.

  • - Allows zooming in on the image even further
  • - Slide show button cycles thorough all images with a short delay between images
  • - Expand the image to take the whole screen for maximum viewing (ESC allows return)
  • - Download the raw image so it can then be used for emails or documents
  • - Thumbnail gallary (explained further below)
  • - Exit

Image Tools

The thumbnail button is used to display a thumbnail gallery on the right side of the screen, allowing quick selection of any image. The currently selected image will be highlighted in red as in the image below.

Image Gallery

Below is the location of the All Notes button in both the Maintenance and Range Information screens.

Maintenance All Notes

Range All Notes

Inventory Item Range Report

A new All Range Report button has been added to the Inventory List Information screen. The button has been added to the new toolbar at the top of the screen under the main title. The button looks exactly like the All Notes button on the gun information screen.Selecting this button will gather ALL notes that have been entered into the system for this inventory item (ammo), group them buy firearm and list them in one window.

Inventory Item Edit

Below is an example of the report grouping the information by gun and highlighting any key phrases using the ArmoryBook Phrase Highlighting System discussed above. Notice how the color highlighting draws your attention quickly to the different phrases.

This report can be a great tool when trying to identify problems with a specific ammo (ammo has problems with all guns) or when tracking the performance of a specific firearm with respect to a specific ammo (only one firearm is having problems while all others work fine).

Inventory Item Range Listing

Iventory Item Range Listing 2

Note: ONLY range trips with notes will be displayed, if no notes where entered then it will not be included in this report.

Demo Information

All demo content or images are the copyright of ArmoryBook, or their respective rights holders, and cannot be used without prior permission.

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