ArmoryBook | Gun Tracking and Firearms Collecting Software

The Complete Solution for Gun Enthusiasts. Track Guns, Maintenance, Ammo and Range Information

Track purchases, sales, serial numbers, images, maintenance and more.
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Track purchase prices, quantity on-hand and reviews. Get reorder alerts.
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Keep track of location, date, distance and ammo. Even store your range photos.
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Posts from category "Software"

Document Mentions

Mentions are a type of "auto complete" feature, available in ArmoryBook's word processor editors. Mentions work in one of two ways, they can add a link that references another system component, or they can insert previously defined snippets of text into a document. The table below list each mention, text to activate the mention and the result of selecting an item.

Name Activator Result

Gun @gun Link
Contact @contact Link
Quick Note @qnote Insert user defined text

Link Mentions

Gun and Contact mentions allow adding a link into a document that provides direct access to a specific gun or contact. When documents containing these mentions are viewed, clicking on the included link will open a new window/tab containing that items' information.

User Defined Text Mentions

Quick Note (qnote) mentions allow user defined text to be inserted into a document. Using qnotes allows for faster entering of notes in all parts of the system and provides a consistent way to note various parameters being tracked.

Quick Note Configuration

Qnotes can be configured by using the Quick Notes option in the system configuration menu. Below is the Qnote list screen.

Mentions Edit List

Items can be edited by clicking on the text in the Description column or using the Edit button. To delete an item, use the Delete button. New Qnotes can be added using the Add button in the upper right of the screen.

When adding/editing a Qnote the description, category, fill in and active status can be set. Categories can be used to group notes used in different parts of the system together. For example, maintenance or rage information can be grouped together to make finding the appropriate note quicker. The image below shows the add/edit screen.

Mentions Edit Item

Using Mentions

To activate the list of possible values for a mention, type the value in the activator column. The image below shows all three types activated.

Mentions List Sample

Once the list is displayed, any text entered becomes a search phrase, for example, "Benny". The items in the list will be filtered based on this search phrase. To select one of the items in the list, navigate to the desired item, using the cursor keys, then use the TAB or SPACE BAR to select the highlighted entry. In the image below both a contact and gun mention has been added to a maintenance note.

Direct Link in Document

ArmoryBook has an auto highlight feature that is used to draw attention to key bits of information when notes are being displayed. Setting up a Quick Note to enter this type of information makes it so that you don't have to remember the proper format to utilize the auto highlighting feature. Below you can see and example of each of the different highlight options.

Highlighted Notes

Maintenance/Range Notes Panel Added to Gun Screen

A new Maintenance/Range Notes panel has been added to the gun information screen. This panel is intended to provide quick access to all notes that have been entered on a firearm. Initially the panel will be collapsed to allow more space on the screen. The new panel can be seen in the image below.

Ammo Caliber Listing

There are multiple parts to the header of this panel. Moving from left to right, the panels starts with the text Maintenance/Range Notes, clicking this text, or the right arrow will open and close the panel contents. The image below shows a sample of the panel contents. Immediately following the text will be an indication of the number of Maintenance and Range Notes in parentheses. In the image below you can see that there is 1 maintenance note and 6 range notes (1/6).

Ammo Caliber Listing

Following the maintenance and range note counts is an icon that can be used to open ALL the gun notes in another window. The window will contain the following types of notes:

  • Acquisition
  • Gun Notes (top of gun form)
  • Maintenance
  • Range
  • Sale Notes

The notes window can be pinned to the side of the screen to allow easy reference while entering new notes in the gun screen (or any other screen). Bellow is an example of the window contents.

Ammo Caliber Listing

By default, the notes will be displayed WITHOUT images. Not including images makes the notes more compact and easier to read, as well as reduces the required bandwidth for downloading (this is especially important on mobile devices). To include images, simply click the image toggle button.  Clicking the image toggle button again will remove the images.

Ammo Caliber Listing

Caliber Reorder Minimum Alerts

The ability to set a reorder minimum for a caliber has been added to ArmoryBook. The notification will be displayed in the caliber summary line in the Inventory Reorder List on the main page. Previously, reorder amounts were entered for a specific ammo purchase. This new feature allows the ability to set reorder minimums solely based on a caliber. The alert will be displayed only when the listing is grouped by ammo caliber. The caliber total rows are highlighted in the image below.

Inventory Reorder Listing

There are 3 levels of alerts: blue, yellow and red. When the total rounds for each caliber is approaching the reorder limit, the background color will change from the stand gray to blue, then yellow and finally red. The blue and yellow colors are used as a warning that you are approaching the reorder limit.

To configure the caliber minimums, select the Calibers option in the Ammo section of the system setup menu.

Ammo Caliber Setup

Select a caliber from the list to enter into edit mode. Notice the new Reorder Level column that has been added.

Ammo Caliber Listing

Enter the desired quantity in the Caliber Reorder Minimum field. If no value is entered, nothing will be displayed in the Reorder column for this calibers' total row in the Inventory Reorder Listing (refer to first image).

Ammo Caliber Edit

If a value is entered for the caliber reorder minimum, and there are no rounds of this caliber in inventory, an entry will be added to the listing indicating that it needs to be ordered.

No Rounds of Caliber, Grouped by Caliber

This new reorder entry will also be available when the listing is not grouped by caliber as can be see in the image below.

No Rounds of Caliber in Inventory

Note: The new caliber reorder rows have also be added to the Inventory Reorder List report.

Customizable Gun/Accessory Search

The Gun Information and Accessory Information list are now customizable! Users are now able to decide what fields are relevant for their collection list. For example, if the gun year, caliber and country are not important to you, they can be hidden and the estimated value, safe and location can be added to the list. A detailed explanation follows.

Gun Information Buttons

Row selection has been changed to use a drop down button. Simply click the button and a list of available row counts will be displayed. Once a row count has been selected, it will become the new default count. Resetting this value to the system default will be covered below.

Gun Information Rows

The new Columns button is used to display/hide the desired columns. Any column that is currently being displayed will appear with a blue background, columns that are currently hidden are displayed with a white background. All columns can be hidden/shown expect for the edit and delete buttons . Any combination of previous and new columns can be created.

Gun Information Columns

The system will remember any changes made to the displayed columns and row count. To restore the values to the system defaults, use the Restore/Reload button at the upper right of the list.

Gun Information Reset

The new Gun List fields are described below.

Column Name Description

Est Value Estimated Gun Value
Acc Value Total of Assigned Accessories Estimated Value
Gun & Acc Value Gun & Accessory Value
Nickname Nickname
Safe Selected Safe
Location Selected Location
Accessories Clickable List of Assigned Accessories

Gun Information New Columns

Below is the list with all the new fields selected, notice the formatting of the value columns and the associated accessories list. Each item in the associated accessories list is sperated with a |. Clicking on the accessory description provides a direct link to that accessory.

Gun Information List

The list below has all the available fields selected. Notice that not all the fields can be displayed on the screen at the same time. The system does adjust the size of the columns automatically, but once there isn't enough room to display a column, it is moved to a list below the current row. This is done so that on smaller devices, like mobile phones, all fields are still accessible. Notice the red and blue buttons on the far left of the list. These buttons are an indicator that there is overflow information for that row. Once a blue button is clicked, you will see each overflow column displayed on a new line. In the example below, you will notice that all the new fields are being displayed. Clicking on the red button will close the display of the overflow columns. Using this technique, more information can be displayed, both on large and small screens.

Gun Information Responsive Display

NOTE: Long descriptions can cause fewer columns to be visible. For example, if you have a gun with a description of "Winchester 12G" and that is the longest description of the guns being displayed, then that is the maximum width used by the system for the description column. But, say you have another gun with a description of "Manufacture d'Armes de Saint-Étienne 36 (Granddad's favorite gun)", now that is going to be the maximum width of the description column.

The excessive description length can be caused by two primary factors. One is the description for a gun make, the other is the nickname assigned to the gun. To shorten a gun make description, go to the Gun Makes setup screen and enter a Short Description or uncheck the Include in Description checkbox. Adding a short description of "MAS" and changing the nickname will now display "MAS 36 (Granddad's #1)", a much shorter description.

Modify Gun Make

The text below is almost a copy of the information from above, but it is included for completeness and a visual reference of the Accessory List screens. The two big changes to the list screen are highlighted below, row count and columns.

Accessory Information Buttons

Row selection has been changed to use a drop down button. Simply click the button and a list of available row counts will be displayed. Once a row count has been selected, it will become the new default count. Resetting this value to the system default will be covered below.

Accessory Information Rows

The new Columns button is used to display/hide the desired columns. Any column that is currently being displayed will appear with a blue background, columns that are currently hidden are displayed with a white background. All columns can be hidden/shown expect for the edit and delete buttons . Any combination of previous and new columns can be created.

Accessory Information Columns

The system will remember any changes made to the displayed columns and row count. To restore the values to the system defaults, use the Restore/Reload button at the upper right of the list.

Accessory Information Reset

The new Accessory List fields are described below.

Column Name Description

Est Value Estimated Accessory Value
Nickname Nickname
Safe Selected Safe
Location Selected Location
Associated Guns Clickable List of Assigned Guns

Gun Information Report

Below is the list with all the new fields selected, notice the formatting of the value column and the associated guns list. Each item in the associated guns list is sperated with a |. Clicking on the guns description provides a direct link to that gun.

Accessory Information List

New Collection Value Reports

Two new collection value graphs have been added to the system. The first is the Accessory Collection Value graph. This graph will show amount Paid, Estimated Value and Net Worth all system accessories. Net worth is the different between what was paid and the estimated value.

Accessory Collection Value Graph

The second value graph is the Collection Value graph. This graph combines the gun and accessory graphs into one, giving the combined collection value. A stacked bar graph is used to display both gun and accessory information in a single bar. Notice that the tooltip provides both gun and accessory information as well as a total.

Total Collection Value Graph

The three collection value graphs, Accessory Collection Value, Gun Collection Value and Collection Value can be run individually from the Graphs section of the system's report menu .

Collection Value Graphs

The two new graphs can be displayed on the home page. To add a graph to the home page, go to Settings => System Settings, then select the appropriate graph for Chart 1 - 4 in the Home Page section.

Home Screen Graphs

Demo Information

All demo content or images are the copyright of ArmoryBook, or their respective rights holders, and cannot be used without prior permission.

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