A Notification button has been added to the main menu search results, providing quick and easy access to any notifications for each individual result. The button will not be displayed if there are no notifications.

System Search Results

Clicking on the notifications button will display a popup of the associated notifications. The popup can be seen in the image below. Clicking on the notification button again, or clicking the X in the title bar, will close the popup.

System Search Notification Popup

Each notification will have a header indicating the type of notification, at the far right of the header line is an X that can be used to mark the notification as seen\handled. When marking a notification as seen\handled the confirm dialog will be displayed. If the notification issue is not resolved within the configured dely (Maint Intvl Days Hold After Dismissal, default 30 days), a new notification will be added. The body of the notification will contain additional notification information and a link that can be used to resolve the notification. If the LINK is used to navigate, and changes are made that resolve the notification issue, the system will automatically remove the notification. The last line of the notification will display the date the notification was created by the system.

Mark Notification Seen