ArmoryBook | Gun Tracking and Firearms Collecting Software

The Complete Solution for Gun Enthusiasts. Track Guns, Maintenance, Ammo and Range Information

Track purchases, sales, serial numbers, images, maintenance and more.
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Track purchase prices, quantity on-hand and reviews. Get reorder alerts.
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Keep track of location, date, distance and ammo. Even store your range photos.
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New Features

Accessories Show Related Guns

A new Related Guns section has been added to the top of each accessory. This list will provide quick access to any associated guns. The following fields will be displayied for each associated gun: Gun Description, Status, Purchase Date, Purchased Contact, Sold Date and Sold To Contact.

Accessory Rekated Guns

Accessory Searching

Accessories have been added to the main menu system search. The field values that will be searched by the system are:

  • Description
  • Serial Number
  • Type
  • Brand
  • Model
  • Location
  • Safe
  • Below is an example of search results for "brake".

Accessory Search Result


When displaying Accessory search results the following fields will be displayed:

  • Description
  • Sale Date
  • Sold Amount
  • Sale Contact
  • Estimated Value
  • Location
  • Safe

If an accessory has been assigned an image it will be displayed on the left hand side of the results. At the bottom of each result will be two action buttons, one for direct access to the Accessory and one to view any images.

Improved Round Count Tracking and Maintenance Recording Details

ArmoryBook keeps track of the total number of rounds fired for each firearm along with the number of rounds fired since its last cleaning. These counts are used in various system notifications and information displays. To increase the accuracy of these counts, and to allow for more detailed maintenance information, each maintenance type can new be tagged as Barrel Cleaned During Maintenance.

When ArmoryBook is tallying rounds fired for range trips and cross-referencing maintenance records, it will use this new classification to indicate if the rounds fired since last cleaning should be reset. This new feature will allow for the creation of detailed maintenance types that will NOT affect the round counts on a firearm. For example, a maintenance type of "Refinish Stock" can be created with the Barrel Cleaned During Maintenance field not checked. When this maintenance type is used, it will have no affect on the tallying of round counts but still allow for tracking the stock refinish that was performed.

Maintenance type information can be modified in the system setup screen. To access the setup screen, go to the main menu setup option and select Maintenance Type.

Main Menu Maintenance Type Setup

The Maintenance Type listing screen has a new column, Barrel Cleaned. This provides a quick way to identify if a maintenance type will affect the tallying of round counts.

Maintenance Type List

The Edit Maintenance Type screen now has a checkbox, Barrel Cleaned During Maintenance. The value set here will be used as the default value when this type of maintenance is selected on a maintenance record.

Edit Maintenance Type Barrel Cleaned not Checked

Edit Maintenance Type Barrel Cleaned Checked

When entering a maintenance entry for a gun, the Barrel Cleaned option will change dynamically based on the value selected for the maintenance type field (Complete Breakdown in the image below). The Barrel Cleaned option can be checked/un-checked for any maintenance type, regardless of how it was configured. This allows for setting this value on a case by case basis. For example, if during a Complete Breakdown maintenance the barrel is usually cleaned, but in this case it was NOT, you can simply un-check the Barrel Cleaned option and the round count will not be reset when the system is doing its calculations.

Maintenance Record Entry Screen

The Barrel Cleaned During Maintenance information has been added to several reports, the first is the Maintenance Info report. This report is available from the main menu report option as seen below.

Maintenance Info Menu Option

To simplify displaying this information in the report, and to try to include as much information without adding new columns, an * has been added to the Maintenance Type column (red arrow in the image below).

Maintenance Information Report Highlighted

A barrel cleaned column can be displayed, if desired, by selecting the Barrel Cleaned option in the Column Visibility selector.

Maintenance Information Report Column Options

Below you can see the Barrel Cleaned column displayed. Noticed that the * is still displayed in the Maintenance Type column.

Maintenance Information Report Barrel Cleaned Column Visible

As in the Maintenance Info report, the Barrel Cleaned During Maintenance information has been added to the Maintenance Aging report. This report is available from the main menu report option as seen below.

Maintenance Aging Report Options

The Maintenance Aging report has been modified to include an * in the Maint Type column (red arrow in the image below) just as in the Maintenance Info report. The barrel cleaned column can be displayed, if desired, by selecting the Barrel Cleaned option in the Column Visibility selector.

Maintenance Aging Report Highlighted

When Maintenance Aging information is displayed on the home screen it will also include the * indicator in the Maint Type column.

Main Search Results

New Values added to System Search Results

The main menu search results now includes two new fields: Gun & Accessory Value and Safe & Location. Below is an example of search results with the new information.

Main Search Results

To accommodate more information in the list, and to show more results on a single screen, any information that does NOT have a value has been removed. Note that the result information that is highlighted in red shows varying amounts of information.

Search Results Details

Gun Screen Accessories Total/Summary Information

The total value of selected accessories will now be displayed following the Accessories label (refer to the image below).

Accessory Total

The total value will be dynamically updated as accessories are added or removed.

Dynamic Accessory Total

A Gun Status Summary section has been added to the bottom of the gun screen's Basic Information section. The table below show each field and a simple description.

Field Description

Last Maintenance Time since the last maintenance was performed in years, months and days.
Rounds Since Last Maintenance Number of rounds fired since the last maintenance.
Total Images Total number of gun images.
Last Range Date Date of the last range trip.
Total Range Trips Total number of range trips logged.
Total Rounds Fired Total number of rounds fired.

Gun Status Summary

All summary information is available in various spots of ArmoryBook, but this provides a simple, "one stop" summary.

The Maintenance/Range Notes section now provides direct access to all the information it contains using the header as a link that will open up that specific information in a new window (the blue text in the image below).

Maintenance/Range Direct Links

Demo Information

All demo content or images are the copyright of ArmoryBook, or their respective rights holders, and cannot be used without prior permission.

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